Stephen DiRienzo

Stephen DiRienzo has been drawing and painting for the better part of his entire existence. What began as an interest at a very young age quickly developed into a passion and eventually a career. His focus on a range of diverse subjects in their work includes everything from landscapes, portraits, to still-life compositions, exploring form, color, and contrast, resulting in visually striking works of art as both an illustrator and oil painter.

Stephen's process begins with an idea or an inspiration triggered by an interesting visual, a conversation, or an idea plucked from their own imagination. He has an ever-expanding list of subject matter, and in some cases, certain ones simply have to make it onto the canvas while others never do. The selection process tends to play out on its own.

Regarding the actual mechanics of his work, Stephen's training as an illustrator has instilled in them a degree of precision and realism that is never completely attainable but always improving. He paints and sketches in a relatively free-flowing form until the desired results are achieved.

For Stephen, it has always been first and foremost about the art. Going forward, his goal is to further explore the world through his paintings and illustrations. He hopes to convey moods, feelings, and expressions that people can connect with, relate to, and ultimately appreciate.

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